Purpose to provide scholarships to graduates of Union City Community High School. Preference is given to children of UCCHS alumni.
Union City Kiwanis Club
Purpose- to provide support as directed by the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation for educational scholarships for students who are accepted into and attend accredited two- or four-year public or private institutions of higher learning. Awarded alternate years to one graduate from Mississinawa Valley High School and one graduate from Union City Community…
Walter L. Shaw Music
Awarded to graduate of Union City Community High School. Must have a 3.0 GPA or above. Must have intent to major or minor in music, music education or music history through written communication (i.e short essay describing intent and part music plays in the applicant’s life). Display a proficient in musical skills and abilities (by…
Wanda Mann Scholarship
Awarded to graduating Mississinawa Valley students and Union City students.
Winchester Athena Club Students Scholarship Fund
Candidate from each Randolph County School. Separate application.
Winchester Chamber of Commerce
Application procedure: Student must prepare an application using a 12 –point, professional font and double spaced. Must include name, address, and phone no., parent(s)’/Guardian(s)’ name(s), address, and telephone no.; name and address of university/ college/ technical school in which the student has been accepted; List goals for the next 5 years; must write about community…
Winchester Chapter #60 Order of Eastern Star (EOS) & Charles Burke Memorial
Awarded to a Randolph County student with a 3.0 G.P.A., and is a relative of a deceased chapter member.