Evelyn Ann Abernathy Memorial

This scholarship is in memory of Evelyn Ann Abernathy. Evelyn “Ann” Abernathy was born in Muncie, Indiana, in 1928 and was a 1947 graduate of Center Township High School (today Wapahani). She was a wife, mother, homemaker, and worked on the family farm. Evelyn attended the Main Street Christian Church. She loved music and taught herself the piano. For many years, she served as a devoted member of the WCHS marching band’s “Band Aides.”

The Band Aides were mothers of band members who traveled with the band, sewing band uniforms, and doing whatever they could to support “The Force” of WCHS. The scholarship given in her name reflects Evelyn’s interest in supporting a graduate of Winchester Community High School pursuing their own education in music. Preference is given to a band member with a minimum 3.0 G.P.A.