Frederick H. Mullen (“Butch”) was a 1968 graduate of Winchester Community High School. He worked at various gas stations in Farmland and Winchester and Gulley Ford until 1986 when he joined the Winchester Police Department. He served first as a reserve, then as a fulltime officer. His responsibilities included patrolman, night shift supervisor, deputy chief and DARE officer. He also served the City of Winchester as a volunteer fireman for 20 years. Butch was a strong supporter of Winchester athletics. He served as a volunteer coach for the football and track programs at WCHS. He was especially helpful with the shot putt and discus athletes. Butch was a very kind hearted individual who cared about students and encouraged them to make good choices in life. Butch passed away on duty on October 17, 1997. This scholarship is given in memory of Deputy Chief Frederick “Butch” Mullen and is awarded to a WCHS senior based on academic achievement, leadership, citizenship, ability, need, and probable success in his or field. Preference will be given to applicants who have been active in athletics, particularly football and/or track.