The Community Foundation of Randolph County hosted a banquet Thursday, September 30th to celebrate the ten semi-finalists in the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Program. Semi-finalists were selected based on their applications, community involvement, academic achievement, and school activities and honors. Students and their parents were invited to Towne Square Community Centre for a catered meal. After dinner, CFRC Program Officer, Luke Rowles, introduced the students and gave them each an opportunity to introduce their parents. Students also shared their college and career plans, as well as honored a teacher, coach, or staff member that has been important in their journey. Executive Director, Lisa Jennings, presented each student with a certificate. Luke Rowles, Jay County’s 2015 Lilly Scholarship recipient, gave a speech about his journey of growth and offered advice for living your best life (and helping others live theirs).
The top ten semi-finalists are: Kimberly Dirksen, Winchester High School; Jillaina Dotson, Winchester High School; Brookelyn Erwin, Winchester High School; Molly Greer, Monroe Central High School; Braydon Hoggatt, Union City High School; Olivia Keesling, Randolph Southern High School; Kristin Northcutt, Monroe Central High School; Caleb Snyder, Monroe Central High School; Christina Sowinski, Union City High School; Zoe Whitehead, Winchester High School.
The Randolph County selection committee will narrow the field to five finalists based on their application scores and those five will be invited to interview with the Foundation’s scholarship committee. Those interviews will take place at the Beeson Clubhouse on October 7, 2021. The scholarship committee will send its nominations to Independent Colleges of Indiana for the final selection of Randolph County’s recipient. The Foundation will announce the name of the recipient in early December at the recipient’s school.
Front row: Kimberly Dirksen, Olivia Keesling, Jillaina Dotson, Molly Greer, Brookelyn Erwin
Back row: Caleb Snyder, Zoe Whitehead, Kristin Northcutt, Braydon Hoggatt, Christina Sowinski