Randolph County Promise event, “Walk Into My Future” a success

 RICHMOND – (September 14, 2018)

For the third-grade students in Randolph County, college is no longer simply something they imagine—it is a place they have visited and seen for themselves. On September 14, every third grader in Randolph County visited IU East and IVY Tech for a day full of activities and fun. Students were celebrated for the efforts they are making to “Walk Into the Future.”

The event was a culmination of a month-long awareness push and classroom activities for students. Since July, third grade students’ families in Randolph County have agreed to open a CollegeChoice 529 account.  This is important because when children have a savings account in their name, they are seven times more likely to attend college than similar youth who do not have an account. Students were also celebrated for dreaming about their future.

Each of the activities that are part of the Randolph County Promise will inspire hope for the future in the lives of our youth. The benefits of instilling hope are too numerous to count; hope is the greatest predictor of future success.

IU East and Purdue Polytechnic served as host sponsors for the event. The highlight of the day was seeing the students’ faces as they were each presented with a $1000 scholarship to IU East. They know a post-secondary education is possible for them.

It is inspiring to share the innovation happening in Randolph County and see the spark of opportunity being created in these kids. Instilling the desire for lifelong learning at such a young age is vital to our children’s future educational success.

To learn more about the Randolph County Promise or discuss how you can get involved, please contact
Carol Mills at 765-584-9077 or cmills@randolphcountyfoundation.org.