Kylee was passionate about her career in nursing and was also a vibrant artist. She had a bachelor’s degree in nursing and worked at Reid Hospital in Richmond, IN. She was an amazing artist who had received several awards throughout her high school years and beyond. Kylee spent her free time with her beloved fur-babies…
Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship
Awarded to Randolph County resident who will graduate with a high school diploma from an accredited high school in Randolph County and who have been accepted to pursue a full-time baccalaureate course of study at an accredited public or private college or university in Indiana. The scholarship will provide full tuition, required fees and a…
Rickert-Shierling Educational Scholarship Fund
The Fund was established to provide scholarships to students who meet the following qualifications: A resident of Randolph County, Indiana, any age seeking higher education, post-secondary education, or adult education, in pursuit of a certificate, diploma or academic degree. Preference will be given to a student with a desire to learn more about human sexuality…
Rosemary Shockney Memorial
Open to all Randolph County schools. Educational scholarship for students who are accepted into and attend accredited two- or four-year public or private institutions of higher education. Student shall be in top 10% of his/her class, have demonstrated need, with preference given to a member of the band and to a student who is from…
U & C Scholarship
Given to students who have been accepted into a 2 or 4 year public or private institution of higher learning and are family members of vendors, business associates or children of company employees of B & F Plastics.
Winchester Athena Club Students Scholarship Fund
Candidate from each Randolph County School. Separate application.
Winchester Chamber of Commerce
Application procedure: Student must prepare an application using a 12 –point, professional font and double spaced. Must include name, address, and phone no., parent(s)’/Guardian(s)’ name(s), address, and telephone no.; name and address of university/ college/ technical school in which the student has been accepted; List goals for the next 5 years; must write about community…
Winchester Chapter #60 Order of Eastern Star (EOS) & Charles Burke Memorial
Awarded to a Randolph County student with a 3.0 G.P.A., and is a relative of a deceased chapter member.